Blog Archive

April 12, 2011

When it rains it pours!

  • This idiom means that when things go wrong, a lot of things go wrong at the same time. (web meaning)

  • Rationale 
I have always interpreted this saying as one extreme to another - when it hasn't rained in a long time (near drought) and then you get rain so much so that it is a flood.

This is a very tricky thing to try and demonstrate with words only.  One persons interpretation of something doesn't necessarily match another's.   I tried to have all the disasters going on at once to try and show this.  I don't know how successful it was, but to me it represented this saying.

I had guns, drugs, homeless man, starving child, tsunami, hurricane, fire, bombs etc to try and express all of these dramatic extremes all happening on top of each other.

updated 23/4/11

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I have just started my Diploma of Graphic Design