Blog Archive

April 11, 2011

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

  • This idiom means that what other people have or do looks preferable to our life. (web meaning)
  • Rationale  
I found all of these hard to do, we all interpret meanings differently - the meaning to me is that you always think other people have it better than you do, but do you really?  You don't really know what is going on "the other side of the fence".

I chose to do two extremes for the two different worlds.  I chose dark depressing colours for the life which is supposed to be less desirable, a dead tree, crap car, run down house, thunder clouds and lightning for extra effect.

For the "other side" I chose bright colours to make the other side look more desirable, big house, expensive car, money, horse the whole bang.

I put a big question mark in the middle to represent is the grass actually greener on the other side.

Updated 23/4/11

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I have just started my Diploma of Graphic Design