Blog Archive

March 07, 2011

Spot the Difference

Spot 20+ differences in before and after picture and change accordingly.


After with my changes

I found the following changes;

1. door changed from red to blue
2. guitar added in front of door
3. fire hose reel words removed
4. sign above door from red to green
5. sign above door "R" to "F" to make feel
6. golf ball in bubbler
7. lock removed from bubbler grate
8. wording under bubbler changed to fun
9. matchbox car added near guitar
10. urn/vase added in hallway
11. window removed from the door
12. velcro spots removed from door near window
13. colour of chair changed  from orange to purple
14. powerpoint moved and placed above antennae socket
15. colour added to top corner of yellow walls
16. on guitar - numbers changed to spell custom
17. on guitar - symbol up the top removed
18. kitchen door removed
19. bag changed colour from green to blue
20. cup changed colour from red to green
21. chocolate bar added
22. sink removed from bench
23. fire extinguisher part removed.

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I have just started my Diploma of Graphic Design