Blog Archive

March 05, 2011


Over the past few weeks in Illustrator we have been trying to improve our pen tools by tracing/copying over images to get them as close as possible to the original.  Here are a few we have been working on.  Some we had to do free hand from an image on the web and replicate it the best we could.

The Nike and Target symbols we had to do on our own.

The Holden symbol, we copied over the original using the pen tool the best we could.  This bloody thing took 2 hours to do.  Please let me get better at this and be able to do it a lot faster.

The third one was to create our own version of a silhouette for an itunes card.  We used the live trace tool to see the different affects this could create and then we had to make an ipod and headphones with the pen tool.  I tried to use the simliar colours they use for their itunes cards you can purchase for different amounts.

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I have just started my Diploma of Graphic Design