Blog Archive

September 07, 2011

Rapid Logo Study

Same deal - we had 1 hour to design a logo in both black and white and in colour and the whole class had to go around giving everybody's work a mark from 1 - 5.

The business name today was Pip-squeaks kids play centre.  Here are my crude designs!

The reason behind my logo design - well Im not a very good drawer so all of the ideas I came up with lacked looking very good so I ended up going with the 'balloon' type as it gives a sense of fun and playfulness which is what the play centre is all about.  I chose the pastels aquarmarine, purple and blue because I think they are playful and kids colours at the same time.

Tania and Katelyn both tied in first place with the most votes.


I liked Tania's design best because I liked the 3d look to her letters as well as the building blocks which is very appropriate to children as well as being playful.  I also liked her choice of colours with the purple and lime green.


Katelyn's design was a lot like what I had in mine but better executed.  I personally don't like the colours chosen but the affect overall looks quite good

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I have just started my Diploma of Graphic Design