Blog Archive

March 14, 2011

3 Products - Pros and Cons

1. Cottees Strawberry Jam


  • I like how they have etched cottees into the glass around the top neck
  • I like the shape of the jar and size
  • The font of cottees is familiar and well known


  • It's glass therefore easily breakable
  • I find the label extremely boring to look at
  • The colours don't appeal to me at all
  • It just looks like another glass jar of "whatever".

2. Whiskas Cat Biscuits



  • The cat they use is cute and appealing stating what it is for.
  • Whiskas brand is well known.
  • I like the opening side where you can pour the biscuits out.


  • The colours are garish especially when used in this combination.
  • Nothing at all appeals to me about the box in terms of font, colours or layout.
  • It seems generic like any other box of cat food.
  • It doesn't say that it is cat biscuits it assumes you know because there is a cat on the box and the brand whiskas.

3. Charlie's Honest Quencher - Raspberry Lemonade    


  • It is a very simple layout
  • The font on the back is quirky and appealing to me.
  • There is a little story on the back which is entertaining.
  • I like the size and shape of the bottle.
  • I like Charlie's etched into the plastic down the bottom of the bottle.


  • Bottle is clear and hard to read.
  • The label is hard to read when empty as it is clear, white with a hint of red.
  • While the label is plain, it is also pretty boring to look at.
  • Without a label on this item it could be any product at all.

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